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Request for Street Space Permit
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Pursuant to Ordinance 180-02 approved by the Board of Supervisors on August 29, 2002, Public Works Code, Article 15, Section 724, is amended regarding the use of street space for construction. You may not legally occupy the space under the permit until a Street Occupancy meeting has been conducted and the agreement signed by the applicant. A Street Inspector will verify the "No Parking" sign and Placard are properly posted.


Effective January 1, 2017, temporary occupancy permits and all other permits that include tow-away signage, aside from excavation permits activated through 311, will not be activated and you will not have tow-away rights unless and until time and date stamped photos evidencing that signage was posted in the correct location a minimum of 72-hours prior to the time at which parking restrictions are to become effective under the permit have been uploaded to the BSM Tow-Away Sign Database.

Please contacPlease contact (415) 554-5810 should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process change.

For DBI Permits, enter your permit # and receipt # here. For DPW Permits, enter just the permit #
Permit # Receipt # (DBI Planning Permits Only)